Student Roster
Literary Studies I Class


Assignments | Lesson # 1 - Chap. 1- The Boy Who Lived, Chap. 2 - The Vanishing Glass, & Chap. 3 - The Letters | Lesson # 2 - Chapters 4 - The Keeper of the Keys and Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley | Lesson # 3 - Chapters 6 and 7 The Journey from Platform Nine and Three Quarters, and The Sorting Hat | Lesson # 4 - Chapter 8: The Potions Master & Chapter 9: The Midnight Duel | Lesson # 5 - Chapter 10: Halloween & Chapter 11: Quidditch | Lesson # 6 - Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised & Chapter 13: Nicolas Flamel | Lesson # 7 - Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback & Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest | Lesson # 8 - Chapter 16: Through the Trapdoor & Chapter 17: The Man with Two Faces | Final Exam | Harry Potter Facts | Student Roster

First Years

Name                        Year                                      House

Alora Lee                         ?????                                              Hufflepuff

Betty                                ?????                                              Hufflepuff

Cayce                               ?????                                              Gryffindor

Daphne                            1st yr                                               Gryffindor

Denise                              4th yr                                              Gryffindor

Haley                                1st yr                                              Slytherin

Kym                                  1st yr                                              Gryffindor

Merenwyn                        1st yr                                              Ravenclaw

Ophelia                             3rd yr                                             Slytherin

Shayna                              2nd yr                                             Ravenclaw

Sophia                               2nd yr                                             Slytherin



Please contact me, by clicking on the Blue House Elf below, and let me know if your name and information is not here, or if the information is incorrect.  I will correct/add it as soon as I hear from you. 
Thank you,
Professor Hedwig