Here I will display pictures of my hometown, and other locations
in and around beautiful Upstate NY. I will also display photos of my boyfriend, friends, and special events that
happen in my neck of the woods.

This is a picture, taken in October of 2001, of me and my boyfriend
Ed that was taken @ SPAC (The Saratoga Performing Arts Center) in Saratoga, NY while we were visiting a very good friend of
ours, Sean & his wife Bernadette, affectionately known as Bernie.
WOW! Me & Billy Ray Cyrus, can you believe it?!

Sean & Ed, long time friends!

This is our good friend Missy. She's fun to be around and with.

The Olympic Torch Comes To New Hartford, NY, On It's Way To Salt
Lake City, Utah.

Winter 2001, My First, But Not My Last Winter In Upstate NY.