This is a picture of my Mom who, sadly, passed away on September 15, 1999. Not only was she my Mom, but she
was my best friend, one who I miss very much. She taught me lots of many different things, most of which I still use in my
daily life. My mother was a wonderful, loving, and caring mother to me and my brother Tim

This is my grandmother, my father's mother.

People change, for the better. I did!

This is my dad. The picture was taken about 4 years ago.
My boyfriend says he looks like Edward James Olmos, who played Selena's dad in the movie of the same name. My mom always
said he looks like Omar Shariff. I'll let you decide.

This is my grandfather, my father's father.

This was taken at APAC where I work on 1/14/03.

Wasn't I a cute lil' baby? This was taken on July 22, 1967
when I was only 2 1/2 months old. It's not my fave baby pic, but it's my second fave. My all time fave baby pic
was taken the same day, and I stuck my tongue out, giving the world my very first raspberry! LOL!

This the pic I have of me and my brother together. It was
taken on September 22, 1973. I was 6 1/2 years old and Tim was all of 1 year and 3 days old. We both had the same
light brown hair when we were younger, but as you can in the other pictures, our hair slowly went much darker.

This was taken on Saturday, June 8, 1974. I was 7 years old at
the time. My mom was dissapointed with my smile, but hey, no one ever smiles the same way twice, right?

This was taken the Summer of 1999, when my brother and his former
girlfriend came to visit our Mom for her birthday

Awww, is he a cutie pie or what? My baby brother, Timothy
Michael, taken Saturday, November 18, 1972, exactly 2 months after he was born. If I remember correctly, from what
my mom told me, Tim was wearing a blue outift with blu booties that my grandmother (my mom's mom) made for him.

This is one of my favorite family portraits. It was taken
on November 11, 1975. I was 8 1/2 years old and my brother was 3 years old, and our mom was 31 years old. Check
out my dimples! I think I'm the only one in my family who has them.

This was taken on Saturday, June 8, 1974 when my brother was a year
and nine months old. My mom was also dissapointed in this picture because my brother was crying, which is why it's in
black and white, this shows him to be smiling.

These are my parents, taken on January 3, 1967, in St. Petersburgh,
Fl, when my Mom was pregnant with me!